But why buy the book?
There are 53 stories in this book. If you flew a "Slick" or was a crew member on a "Slick" these stories will be very familiar to you. You have performed these missions many times. But have you written down your account? Maybe you don't plan to do that. But there should be a record of what YOU DID for your family. There is a place in the front cover of this book for your name, write in your name there. If you had a family member or a friend who flew "Slicks" place their name inside the front cover. There is space on the back cover for information about your tour dates, your unit assignment and call sign. Circle and list the chapters that you have flown. Attach your own stories to this book and have a record for your family. This book is rated PG, there is no profanity or foul words so it can be read by any age group.